This morning I cried because a friend is dying, and yet I prayed still trusting; my God knows best. The thief dying next to Jesus lived only a few hours then went to paradise: God knew best. The Apostle John lived to write half the New Testament, while his brother James was killed only a few months after Jesus’ resurrection: God knew best. Our life may only be a breath, but if we allow that breath to be breathed by God, we will never regret it. Wherever He leads us and whatever we find there, God knows best. Jesus, who knows the depths and tears of our hearts knows best and He knows the way home. Worship is that total rest we find in the wonderful discovery. God Knows best.!!
That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Who Will Go?
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!
Fulfilling our calling is one of our primary acts of worship. When we see as God sees we cannot be silent when He calls. Though the mighty angels were present, only Isaiah could fulfill God’s call. They could cry Holy; Holy; Holy, but only Isaiah
could “Go and tell this people…”
How can I hear God's voice? We only hear when we go into his temple and see with our hearts: His honor, His power and His glory.
Worship is being ready to go where God calls.

Where is God calling you today?
Fulfilling our calling is one of our primary acts of worship. When we see as God sees we cannot be silent when He calls. Though the mighty angels were present, only Isaiah could fulfill God’s call. They could cry Holy; Holy; Holy, but only Isaiah
could “Go and tell this people…”
How can I hear God's voice? We only hear when we go into his temple and see with our hearts: His honor, His power and His glory.
Worship is being ready to go where God calls.

Where is God calling you today?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How's Your Vision?
We need to see Jesus to worship. It's when we can't see any longer that our worship becomes faint and cold and when our work for him revolves around our own little world. Real vision comes only from heaven. There are no books, CD's or conferences that can give us vision. Jacob dreamed in the desert and woke up to worship. Isaiah saw the Lord suddenly and cried out in worship. John met Jesus in all his glory while praying on his Island prison and fell face down in worship.
Jesus can heal our spirit's blindness. He has the eye salve that will heal and restore our vision. When we see him again our hearts wake to worship. When we start to see what Jesus sees our worship becomes a labor of love for Him. Ask him right now; He will restore the vision that leads to worship and working with love for him again.
Jesus can heal our spirit's blindness. He has the eye salve that will heal and restore our vision. When we see him again our hearts wake to worship. When we start to see what Jesus sees our worship becomes a labor of love for Him. Ask him right now; He will restore the vision that leads to worship and working with love for him again.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Worship in Spirit: God help me to worship today!!
Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
Jesus was a radical in his day! He broke with everyone's tradition about where people should worship. Jesus was saying that there was no Holy Place on earth. God is Spirit. We don't get holier by going somewhere. We have to worship not in a place but in Spirit.
We might think that we are already doing so. But let's stop and take a test. When we last said Amen in our prayer time, did Jesus stay behind there waiting for us to come back? Is our day filled with busy things that push Jesus back to a certain place and time when we can meet with him again? Before Jesus died, he repeated over and over that He was going back to the Father, and sending us the Holy Spirit. When we are worshiping in Spirit He begins to flow out like a river. Rivers always flow: on quiet times and in storms, in sunshine and at night, in dry times and in floods. Ask yourself, "Is He flowing in me today?" Don't be discouraged. God loves to show us how to worship like this. Jesus said the Father is always looking for worshipers. Father help me to worship today! That's a prayer God always answers!!
Jesus was a radical in his day! He broke with everyone's tradition about where people should worship. Jesus was saying that there was no Holy Place on earth. God is Spirit. We don't get holier by going somewhere. We have to worship not in a place but in Spirit.

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