That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Worship: A Faith issue
How many times we use the word worhip to describe something that is at best only a part of God's idea of worship. We are thinking of music or of a "worship service". We use up so much of our energies debating about the form or the style that we use when we are singing together in church. Jesus is with us but we see only the words of the song, the way that the music is played or how things look up on the altar.
When the Bible shows us worship we find moments of faith. Worship is when faith sees clearly through the window of heaven into the face of God. At those times Jesus comes and asks, "Why did you doubt?" Though we have been in stormy seas, He has never left. Though we have slipped and begun to sink beneath the waves, He has pulled us up to Himself again. In one crystal clear moment we recognize in the deepest part of our soul, 'He really is the Son of God' ! That is when we fall down again before him wherever we are and in the middle of whatever we are doing and worship Him again. There is no one like our Jesus!
Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Love does not wait!
Love does not wait for a better time!
When we haven't thought even once of looking for God, He steps into rooms where we have locked and bolted the doors. That is at the heart of Easter. Jesus did not wait at the grave for His disciples to come. He met Mary there, sent her ahead with the news, then suddenly came to them. The greatest hope of Easter is that God is not willing to wait for "The perfect time" in our lives. For God the perfect time is right now. The perfect place is where we are. The perfect people are the ones who need him the most. How much do you need God today? God is not waiting for a better day to love you!
Romans 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Mother's Prayer - Rachel Aldous
This beautiful song is titled a Mother's Prayer but could also be the prayer of any Father. I wonder also what the Father's prayer from heaven was on the first day of His Son's life in the stable so long ago. Be blessed as you listen.
Are you looking for God? He is looking for you!!
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Looking for the shepherd? |
The good news was that just as Jesus came looking for Mary that morning he is also looking for us. John tells us that Jesus came and asked her about her tears. See God doesn't just come and tell us to get over it! God comes and asks about our heart. Mary didn't recognize Jesus at first. She thought he might be the gardener. Then Jesus did something that he has continued to do ever since. He called her name. There is nothing more life changing than finding out that God knows our name and He has come just for us. God knows your name today and He has come for you as He has been coming for everyone who has been looking for him since Mary's morning at the empty grave. Jesus really is the best shepherd. He knows where his sheep are. If we really want to find Him; in the moment when we do do expect, He will come and call your name.
John 10:3 ...the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sheep or Goats?
On our recent trip to India we saw many sheep and goats on the sides of the roads and I remembered my days on the farm. As we were passing through the city of Jaegaon I found these very scraggly dirty sheep. They were so fearful even as I calmly walked close with my camera. Their young shepherd thought it was quite funny that the American wanted to photograph his dirty sheep. I always liked goats because they are cleaner and don't have the smell that sheep have. All in all goats seem to be by far a better choice. "Why is it that God loves sheep better? I often asked to my Pastor.
A few days later God showed me a perfect picture. We were passing through some farm fields and there was a woman with a goat tied to a long rope.. He was giving her a big fight. All four hooves were pressed against the ground as she dragged him unwillingly home. "Now I know why God loves sheep!" I cried out in laughter. God may find us dirty, scraggly and smelly, but he lovingly guides his sheep into his green pastures. Goats have the same pastures but try as He might God cannot seem to convince them that He has a home where they can rest.
God has a perfect place of rest and he has green pastures, but he will only lead us there. He will never drag any of us home against our will! So what do we want to be? Sheep or goats; the choice is ours.
A few days later God showed me a perfect picture. We were passing through some farm fields and there was a woman with a goat tied to a long rope.. He was giving her a big fight. All four hooves were pressed against the ground as she dragged him unwillingly home. "Now I know why God loves sheep!" I cried out in laughter. God may find us dirty, scraggly and smelly, but he lovingly guides his sheep into his green pastures. Goats have the same pastures but try as He might God cannot seem to convince them that He has a home where they can rest.
God has a perfect place of rest and he has green pastures, but he will only lead us there. He will never drag any of us home against our will! So what do we want to be? Sheep or goats; the choice is ours.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Children of Nepal
Here inside this school I found her looking at me, maybe wondering why I was there. She is one of 60 children crammed into two tiny class rooms and being fed a few cookies and milk for their lunch. And these are the others playing outside in the dirt street, looking in. No one could tell me what they were thinking. My heart was broken as I wept wondering just where will they be and what will become of them. Who will care about them, and what small part can I play to offer real hope and a love that can come and stay in their hearts forever.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
As we traveled through parts of India and Nepal this one simple song was the one most loved. Sitting on the floor and singing with brothers in the refugee camp or in small village churches this song was loved. I had picked this because with the limited English of some of the churches I wanted a song that had a simple message. If they could only sing the word "faithful" then all the rest would flow. I remember at the top of a small mountain singing in a little church I had been afraid to visit (You needed to see the road!). They were so thrilled we had come and I was humbled as they sang with all their hearts. How foolish I felt for doubting and fearing! God is faithful! God has been faithful and never changes. Ask God to put a new song in your heart today, then wait on Him. He is faithful to perform His word!
One of God's little ones |
Friday, April 1, 2011
When the Holy Spirit Sings
When two or more are gathered in my name; there I will be also... Has Jesus been invited to our worship time? When we are together worshiping, the Holy Spirit wants to come and speak to us. Sometimes He is speaking but we cannot hear him.He sings over us but the melody is silent to our ears. But when we invite Jesus' presence in our worship...then Jesus comes and sings in our worship. Then the Holy Spirit will begin to talk with us. He will put in us his heart, his directions and his will. When Jesus begins to sing He begins to heal, touch, restore and prepare us for His plans.
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