Hebrews 12:28 Since we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakable let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with Holy fear and awe.
Have you ever felt that your days are just spinning by, filled with motion and color, but somehow strangely out of focus? Worshiping God without a thankful spirit is like that. It is like an out of focus camera. We may still be singing all the words, but the pure abandon of His joy is absent. Maybe we have come to Him today with such a busy heart, or with bitterness and frustration nipping at our heels. Whatever the reason, we have forgotten His love is a gift that is far beyond anything we could ever deserve. Jesus' focus has not changed, but ours has.
We have forgotten Him, but He has not forgotten us. Unthankful hearts are hearts that have stopped seeing Jesus. Our needs, our hurts and our goals are all we can see. Jesus has remained somewhere outside our own little struggling universe. How we need for His spirit to awaken us and to draw us to Him again with overflowing praise. We need to become like the leper, who stopped running to obey and began falling at Jesus feet to worship with a grateful heart. As we realize all Jesus has done for us and how he cared for us even when we were at our worst and most selfish moments; then He comes into focus again. He is the one who we will still be thanking in all the eternity of heaven. To have a day of eternal value today, we have to enter into His eternal presence with thankful hearts and Holy fear for His amazing love, and for all He is!!
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