In the wilderness the devil came to Jesus and gave him this offer, ...and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world, and he said to Him, " I will give you all their authority and splendor...If you worship me it will all be yours." Jesus had to make a choice.
The temptations and the dark places of our lives are the places where we choose who we will worship. It is not when we are surrounded by friends, or the comforts of life, but rather in the hard places that God gives us our greatest opportunity to worship. Here in the desert of our soul there is a high price on our decision. Our choice here has nothing to do with our emotions or with immediate rewards. Here we choose based on what God's word has promised. Our worship comes down to who we will trust and whose word we will treasure. Will our choice be based on what we see and where we can profit or, will our worship flow out from a deep trust in God's truth and our complete dependence on Him? When we choose Jesus and walk in His steps, our reward is sure and its value will be seen in the light of eternity
Jesus answered, "It is written, "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." Luke 4:8

Jesus answered, "It is written, "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." Luke 4:8
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