2 Corinthians 11:3 I am afraid that someone may come and corrupt your minds from the simplicity that is in Christ.

The opposite of simplicity is not complexity but pride. There is no greater destroyer of worship than allowing pride to come in. That is because while simplicity and humility bring unity, pride brings division. In simplicity we can see the truth in Jesus Christ. The truth is that together we are His church and only in humble unity can we worship in a way that pleases Him. Simplicity is the doorway to true worship -not just sitting with arms folded waiting for our favorite song orworship leader. When Jesus is honored then we simply gather around him and sit at His feet. Our singing becomes a happy glimpse of our eternity together as His people. We belong together because of Him. Any thoughts or attitudes at those moments and that bring separation, confusion or distraction take the focus off of Jesus and put it on something or someone else. Guarding the simplicity of our hearts in worship is a constant battle, but it is a battle worth winning! Simple pure worship is a vital part of a living and growing church. We need to be watchful that no one steals the spotlight from Jesus.Christ is and must always remain at the center of our worship. Let's keep it simple and just worship Him!
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