Friday, May 11, 2012

Praying for Pastor Youcef

Here is the link to read Pastor Youcef's letter in full....

Today in Iran our brother Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani released a letter telling us he is well both in his spirit as well as physically. What a great blessing to know that after having prayed for him how God is sustaining and strengthening his faith. What a challenge to hear his words on praying for those in authority over him! Our words are so important, not because of the mere sound of them but because they are a reflection of our hearts. Jesus told us in Matthew 15:18 The words that you speak come from the heart... If our hearts are truly resting in God's word then they become planted in our hearts and they will bring a harvest one day for God's glory. So let us continue to put our words into prayers for Pastor Youcef. Let us also be cautious of how we express our own opinions about the leadership in Iran. God loves Iran and has a great plan to reach the hearts of men and women in that great nation. That is the same reason Pastor Youcef is suffering with grace and setting us an example. God bless each of you who prays and keeps alive the passion for God's heart both for Youcef Nadarkhani his family and for the nation of Iran. 

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