That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Jesus: The Name of Christmas
Luke 1:30-31 "Don't be afraid, Mary," the angel told her, " for you have found favor with God." . You will conceive and give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus."
When God gave the name Jesus it is interesting to see that he spoke separately both to Joseph and to Mary. To Mary Gabriel explained all that Jesus would do as the Messiah, but to Joseph God defined the name. The name Jesus was given because God had given His Son, not only to teach us the ways of Heaven, heal our sickness, or give us a comfortable life; Jesus came to save His people from their sins.

Imagine now as Jesus entered the world cradled in Mary's arms in that stable in Bethlehem on the first Christmas morning. One of the first words Mary and Joseph would say was, "Jesus!" God had kept His promise to them just as He said. From that day forward every time Jesus heard His own name it would be a reminder of why He had come. When He was growing up in the home with His brothers and Mary called out, "Jesus" he would remember that he was different. God had sent Him not just to be born in the humble stable, but also one day to give His life to save His people. Where ever Jesus went, whatever He was doing, when he would turn to the sound of His name He would be reminded of the reason He had come.
At the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Nazareth when He began to explain that He was coming to fulfill the prophecies of Isaiah, the Bible tells us that they were so angry that they took him out and were ready to through him over a cliff! Yet miraculously Jesus slipped away because "His hour had not yet come" There was always that awareness through Jesus ministry and teaching of the approaching hour. He told his brothers one day, "Any time is good for you, but my hour has not yet come"
As Jesus prayed in the garden, struggling with the thoughts of the cross he said, "... should I pray, ' Father, save me from this hour.' ? But this is the very reason I came." John 12:27 Later when he finished praying he went back to the disciples and found them sleeping he said, "...Are you still sleeping and resting? Look the hour has come..."
All that God had promised in the name Jesus was about to be fulfilled and Jesus began the terrible process of paying for the sins of us all. He was determined that no obstacle would keep him back. He accepted no protection and looked for no escape. To the very end Jesus was true to His name, the name that is now above all names. Jesus is the name before which every knee will bow in both heaven and earth. It is a mighty name and a name that gives hope in dark places. Jesus is a name that brings healing and a name that forgives sins.
Jesus is the name that never loses its power and it is the name given on Christmas for us all!
Jesus is the name given just for you. Jesus is the name of Christmas...
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Remembering William
Cobre me Hide me now under your wings
Com Tuas maos Cover me
Com poder Vem me esconder Senhor Within your mighty hand
Se o trovao e o mar se erguendo vem When the oceans rise and thunders roar
Sobre a tempestade eu voarei I will soar with you above the storm
Sobre as aguas Tu tambem Es Rei Father you are King over the flood
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus I will be still and know you are God
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus I will be still and know you are God
Sabes bem que em Cristo firme esta Know His power in quietness and trust
Se o trovao e o mar se erguendo vem When the oceans rise and thunders roar
Sobre a tempestade eu voarei I will soar with you above the storm
Sobre as aguas Tu tambem Es Rei Father you are king over the flood
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus I will be still and know you are God
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus I will be still and know you are God
by Reuben Morgan
A life that has given to him is a letter to which God signs his name to at the very end.
God wants us to go back and read carefully the lines he has written in both the brightest days
and darkest nights. That is how I am now remembering William Sampaio. His steady quiet and deep faith has written on the pages of my life and on the lives of many others the message that God is good. William's life told us that God is good no matter what difficulties we are facing, or what questions we cannot answer. It has been such a privelege to share a small part of his life. My friend was carried safely into the arms of Jesus last night and we wept as that great heart came to rest in God. It is not good-bye, but until a little later dear friend. We will meet again at the throne of King Jesus!
A life that has given to him is a letter to which God signs his name to at the very end.
God wants us to go back and read carefully the lines he has written in both the brightest days
and darkest nights. That is how I am now remembering William Sampaio. His steady quiet and deep faith has written on the pages of my life and on the lives of many others the message that God is good. William's life told us that God is good no matter what difficulties we are facing, or what questions we cannot answer. It has been such a privelege to share a small part of his life. My friend was carried safely into the arms of Jesus last night and we wept as that great heart came to rest in God. It is not good-bye, but until a little later dear friend. We will meet again at the throne of King Jesus!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
What does Hope look like?
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long...Psalm 25:5
In the Old Testament book of Ruth, we meet a woman named Naomi, for whom all natural hope seemed to be lost. She had followed her husband to a foreign land where he and both of their sons died. Naomi was alone in that strange place, a woman with no resources, no hope of a future and no idea where to turn. Her only choice seemed to be to return to her home village. She said, "Don't call me Naomi (pleasant) anymore,call me Mara (meaning bitter) because the Almighty has made my life bitter. hope is in you all day long! |
God has also begun a work in every one of our lives when we find ourselves at the mercy of unexpected sorrow. In Jesus' time He told the story of a man dying at the side of the road. Two very religious people passed by and did nothing, but God sent a good Samaritan who stopped and had compassion on him. The Good Samaritan didn't work any miracle, but he gave him the help and the hope he needed that day. The Good Samaritan was a person that man might have normally never accepted, but in his weakness he discovered him to be his only friend.
God knows just the time and just the way to touch us when it seems all hope is lost. God is not depending at all on our ability to figure things out or to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. God takes special delight in sending for our rescue by the most unlikely people. He comes to heal the broken. He is not only the one who can save us when we face disaster, he is our God who we learn to hope in all the day long!
When all seems dark God' Hope remains
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
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