Sunday, December 9, 2012

Remembering William

Cobre me                                                                         Hide me now under your wings
Com Tuas maos                                                               Cover me
Com poder Vem me esconder Senhor                             Within your mighty hand

Se o trovao e o mar se erguendo vem                             When the oceans rise and thunders roar
Sobre a tempestade eu voarei                                          I will soar with you above the storm 
Sobre as aguas Tu tambem Es Rei                                  Father you are King over the flood
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus                                   I will be still and know you are God
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus                                   I will be still and know you are God
Minha alma esta seguro em Ti                                        Find rest my soul in Christ alone
Sabes bem que em Cristo firme esta                               Know His power in quietness and trust
Se o trovao e o mar se erguendo vem                            When the oceans rise and thunders roar
Sobre a tempestade eu voarei                                         I will soar with you above the storm 
Sobre as aguas Tu tambem Es Rei                                 Father you are king over the flood
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus                                  I will be still and know you are God
Descansarei pois sei que Es Deus                                  I will be still and know you are God
                                                                                          by Reuben Morgan

A life that has given to him is a letter to which God signs his name to at the very end.
God wants us to go back and read carefully the lines he has written in both the brightest days
and darkest nights. That is how I am now remembering William Sampaio. His steady quiet and deep faith has written on the pages of my life and on the lives of many others the message that God is good. William's life told us that God is good no matter what difficulties we are facing, or what questions we cannot answer. It has been such a privelege to share a small part of his life. My friend was carried safely into the arms of Jesus last night and we wept as that great heart came to rest in God. It is not good-bye, but until a little later dear friend. We will meet again at the throne of King Jesus!


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