Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How's Your Vision?

         We need to see Jesus to worship.  It's when we can't see any longer that our worship becomes faint and cold and when our work for him revolves around our own little world. Real vision comes only from heaven. There are no books, CD's or conferences that can give us vision. Jacob dreamed in the desert and woke up to worship. Isaiah saw the Lord suddenly and cried out in worship. John met Jesus in all his glory while praying on his Island prison and fell face down in worship. 
     Jesus can heal our spirit's blindness. He has the eye salve that will heal and restore our vision. When we see him again our hearts wake to worship. When we start to see what Jesus sees our worship becomes a labor of love for Him. Ask him right now; He will restore the vision that leads to worship and working with love for him again. 

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