Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pure Hearts

2 Cor 6:6 in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love...

No one drove their new car to the church; or in fact any car at all. There were no air conditioners humming quietly in the background or colored lighting to focus on the platform. A single wire brought electricity to this mountain top church so that a microphone could function. And God came near.

 God loves to come and fill hearts that are open and longing only for him. How often do we substitute His Holy moment of  worship for sweet feelings in a pretty place with pretty music? We sing about God's love, power and majesty, but because our hearts have mixed motives our words fall to the ground. God's Spirit is calling us, but we are too busy with our own desires to hear Him. How He is longing to draw us into His Holy place, while we sit outside of His presence, so perfectly content with our positions, possessions and power. God's heart is drawn to us only when we come like children and look to Him with pure hearts. Then He comes in purity, true sweetness and power. What a wonderful God we serve!!

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