Thursday, March 22, 2012

Praying For Our Enemies

Jesus gave us some very direct commands about how to treat our enemies and those who are out to persecute us. In Matthew's gospel Jesus says, "But I tell you love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:44. All this seems so easy in principle until someone is killed as happened to Joel Shrum today in Yemen. The only reason given by his killers was that he tried to tell others about Jesus. In the moment when I heard this news something in me wanted to lash out at those people who could do such evil. That would be my way, but it wasn't Jesus' way. Jesus commanded us to love and pray for our enemies, and He did exactly that.

In the dark hours on the cross, when people passed by and mocked and the soldiers gambled for his clothing Jesus cried out, "Father forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing!" Can we make that the cry of our heart tonight? Can we pray not only for comfort for Joel's family but can we pray for forgiveness for those men who have no idea at all of the love of God. It has been said that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the saints. God in his own wisdom allowed his innocent son to suffer and die alone on a cross to plant the seed that would give us life. How much more do we need to trust him today to take each new persecution, each harsh word spoken and with grace call out for mercy for people who do not even know they need it.

Oh how hard it is and how much it runs against the grain of our human nature but let's pray tonight for lost men in Yemen with blood still fresh on their hands. Let's pray for their families and for the future of their nation. God still extends His love. The cross still has the power to change lives if we will pray. God's love is so mighty that in the face of evil it swallows up death, and in the hour when no one hopes, it gives birth to new life. Who will join in prayer? 

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