Saturday, August 4, 2012

What the world calls weeds - God calls flowers!

Matthew 6:30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

One Summer many years ago I remember sitting high atop the hay wagon, as we slowly headed back to the barn with one more load of hay. I took full advantage of that small moment of rest and took in all the sights and smells of the freshly cut field. I remember looking down into the hay where I could see an amazing assortment of wildflowers of every imaginable shape and color. There they were, nestled in among the remnants of the fresh-mown hay showing off their amazing array of beauty. That scene has always come back to me when I think of how richly God lavishes His artistry on the simplest things. All around us in our daily life God leaves behind reflections of His grace.

Try to imagine, that this same God who has taken such care in each detail of a single wild flower, has also crafted you and I with His own fingers. It often may seem that no one could possibly value anything about us. The world may be passing us by looking down and insted of seeing wild flowers, they see only weeds. Weeds are those plants that grow where no one wants them or where no one has planned. Maybe we ourselves pass people every day and never notice a single thing of beauty. But all around the world God's wildflowers are on display to remind us that He is intimately involved in every life and thzat every life has value.

What makes our lives different from the flowers of the field is their joyful abandonment. They are not at all concerned that their time here is short, or are they worried what others may think. In the brief hours that God has given them they simply give away all that they have. They are completely at peace knowing that the same hand that crafted them will care for them and keep them for ever. Why is it that the flowers understand this and we struggle to believe? Jesus told us to see the wild-flowers and know that God values us far more than them...

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