Friday, October 26, 2012

Our Lost Generation

    They are sitting in empty seats next to us on the bus and in our classrooms. They are brides never given away and husbands never found. They are singers who never sang there songs,and runners who never ran their race. These are the spaces left open in our hearts. They are our lost generation. On spite of all the dollars we have heaped up and all the technology and entertainment there is a question that we will never find the answer for. Where in all of God's universe can we go to tell them that they should have been here with us. They should have shared together the tears and the triumphs, the struggles and the hopes which make up the many moments of our lives.

    When the declaration of Independence was written it recognizes three basic rights which God has given. The first is Life and the last is the Pursuit of happiness; we are the generation that has reversed that order. We have demanded our happiness and forgotten the value of life. Life is something we can take away but never give back. Life is a treasure in a fragile jar.

    Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer them, "Truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." 

Here in America we will one day be responsible and have to answer for how we have treated the most vulnerable and the weakest little ones. How we have valued others will one day be the measure by which God will value us. Jesus never asks us to give more than we have but he does ask us to do the best that we can to protect, to comfort and to cherish the least of these. Though there is a generation that will be lost to us forever, they are all found by God and are cherished by Him...

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