Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Undivided Heart

                         Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets the name of the Lord is to be praised
Psalm 113:2-3

     Because we serve a God who is eternal, there is also something about our praise that needs to be eternal.  It is not just that we will praise him till we die, and then it will be some one else's turn. Eternal praise has a quality that flows from our hearts to God in a very special way. We often ask God to show us His ways. Psalm 25:4 says "show me your ways O God, teach me your paths"  That verse has been my own prayer for years. King David is the one person in all the Bible who is most known for his praise life. In Psalm 86:11-12 he writes "Teach me your way Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name"

     The idea of asking God to show us his ways, must also rule in our times of praise. We  need God to show himself to us ,as we sing, or pray or even simply bow in silence. When we don't see "His way" we find ourselves just singing the words like a bland meal, because there is nothing that tastes eternal. But  next David asks for something that gives us a compass to help guide us into God's ways. He asks God to give him an undivided heart. Above all other things, having an undivided heart will help us to have a true and eternal praise for Jesus.

      It is easy to see this in action in the story of Martha and Mary. Both of them loved Jesus, in fact Martha had gone out and invited Him and all his disciples to her house! Then Martha began to get busy so everyone would have what they needed. She is the perfect picture of how we often run around getting ready to go to church. We hurry and push and get stressed out with our family, because we are trying so hard to serve Jesus with a divided heart. One part of us wants to do all the right things and be on time and please everyone, while the other part is wishing we could just come and sit at His feet.

     How is your heart today? What was your schedule like this week? Was there barely a minute to just sit and listen? Jesus is delighted to be in our house, but He is waiting for us to come to a full stop so we can really see Him and hear what He has to say. He wants to be more than just the honored guest at our banquet. Jesus wants to step into eternity with us into a place where praise flows effortlessly like a crystal river. Jesus wants to draw our hearts after Him and turn our faces directly into His gaze. That is when we find we have the undivided heart. That is when our worship becomes eternal and He receives all our praise!

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