Sunday, March 4, 2012

Praying for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

     A lot of attention has been focused on our dear brother Pastor Youcef over these last few weeks. His life hangs in the balance and the prayers of God people are absolutely needed now. But, how do we pray? What are we going to the throne to ask? Of course we ask that his life be spared, but then what? What next?
     Iran has a long history of imprisoning and executing Christian Pastors. Many have been imprisoned before and there are others who have been arrested over the last few months. If Pastor Youcef is released then will he be able to resume his ministry and rejoin his family? What will happen to his church and to many other Farsi speaking house churches. The government's fear is about the growth of these unregistered churches. How are we to best understand and help the church of Jesus in Iran?
     In the book of Daniel we meet three young men in ancient Babylon by the name of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They were confronted by a culture and a king who demanded that they bow down and worship a golden statue or be thrown into a bronze furnace and be burned to ashes. Listen to their response.

      ..."King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to delver us from your Majesty's hand. Even if he does not, we want you to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." Daniel 3:16-18

The future of a nation
    Notice both what these amazing young men said and what they did not say. They were not at all concerned about defending themselves in a civil sense. They were absolutely committed to live for God no matter what the consequences. Notice also that they didn't begin to question the king's authority or verbally attack him. What made them so compelling was their fearless trust in God alone. Because of their testimony, when God did come to their rescue, He was also able to change the heart of the king and the future of the nation.
     Today, it is vitally important that both our prayers and our words be focused with this same vision. This is more than a simple battle for a single life We are praying not only for the liberty of Pastor Youcef, but for the changing of the hearts of leaders and the future of the nation of Iran. We must guard our own hearts and words and by real Christian faith trust God almighty to be our shield and our defender!

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