Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sheep or Goats?

On our recent trip to India we saw many sheep and goats on the sides of the roads and I remembered my days on the farm. As we were passing through the city of Jaegaon  I found these very scraggly dirty sheep. They were so fearful even as I calmly walked close with my camera. Their young shepherd thought it was quite funny that the American wanted to photograph his dirty sheep. I always liked goats because they are cleaner and don't have the smell that sheep have. All in all goats seem to be by far a better choice. "Why is it that God loves sheep better? I often asked to my Pastor.
A few days later God showed me a perfect picture. We were passing through some farm fields and there was a woman with a goat tied to a long rope.. He was giving her a big fight. All four hooves were pressed against the ground as she dragged him unwillingly home. "Now I know why God loves sheep!" I cried out in laughter. God may find us dirty, scraggly and smelly, but he lovingly guides his sheep into his green pastures. Goats have the same pastures but try as He might God cannot seem to convince them that He has a home where they can rest.
God has a perfect place of rest and he has green pastures, but he will only lead us there. He will never drag any of us home against our will! So what do we want to be? Sheep or goats; the choice is ours. 

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