Monday, May 23, 2011

God's Peace at the Waterfall

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say
It is well It is well with my soul

When I sit by a waterfall, the sound of the falling water, gently yet powerfully fills my ears and closes me in with it's voice. There are moments in our lives when the trials and hurts mount up and crash over our hearts like a waterfall. Though all around us other people are passing, we only hear them as a far away sound. We are closed in with our own waterfall of grief. Jesus has promised us in those hours that no matter how powerful the forces are that come crashing over us, He will be there. Jesus has gone through that waterfall of death and come out with the gift of His peace for us. Right now He is standing with you next to your waterfall of pain and holding out the gift of His peace for you to have forever!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Transformed in His Presence

Transformed in His presence
     Each Christmas my wife makes special cookies in the shape of ginger bead men or Christmas trees, When the dough is soft she presses the form over it and cuts out the exact images over and over again. But what is good for cookies is not so great for our minds. Paul begs us in the 12th chapter of Romans  to give our bodies to God as living sacrifices, so that we will not be pressed into the world's mold. As a part of real worship we lovingly give to God all that we have and all that we are. He is so worth everything we could offer and more. Then and there in that intimate moment God comes and unlocks the prison places of our minds. The fresh wind of His own Spirit passes through our hearts and we experience the transforming freedom of his presence.
     We need each day and to ask our selves: "Is there something that has pressed me back into the world's mold?" Then stop and make a quiet place in your mind to give yourself  to God, and wait on Him to come. Only then, in that wonderful freedom, when we have been transformed by His presence can we begin to understand what He really wants in our life. How free we become when we choose to be His and His alone!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reconciliation and restoration are what we do with reality and not what reality does with us

In Joseph's life he was hated by his brothers; misunderstood by his parents, betrayed by his masters, and imprisoned  and forgotten by everyone but God. The world would call him a failure but God called him from the prison camp to second in command of the most powerful empire on earth in a single day. Yet Joseph's greatest test was not his patience in weakness, but rather his mercy when he came into a place of power. How we face the day when our perceived enemies are under our rule will determine both their future and ours! We will be remembered not by our success but by our forgiveness. Of all the great miracles of Jesus, his mercy to a thief on the cross and to those crucifying him is the moment we all remember. Reconciliation and restoration flow from pure forgiveness. Forgiveness that flows on quietly without stopping to count the price.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Refreshing the heart of God

Proverbs 25:13  Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters.

Sometimes we are tempted to alter the message of the cross of Jesus to gain  favor. When we do this as a worship leader through our choice of songs, the change is so subtle no one may notice. But the Holy Spirit sees our heart. It is so easy to slip into thinking; what do people like; or does it fit into my plan. What we first need to ask ourself is; is, am I clearly communicating the message of Jesus? God will honor with his presence what clearly gives him glory. We are sending a message through everything we do and say. In those few moments we have in worship together we must be faithful. If what we say in those moments is faithful to God's message; we will refresh the heart of God. When God's heart is refreshed good things happen!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dreams of the Future

      When I look into the face of a child I wonder what their future will be and where their feet will carry them. I wonder about what dreams they have.     

 Genesis 37:5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had...

Do you have a dream that God has given you? Do you dream of a future that seems strange to others? Joseph's dream set him apart from his own brothers, but one day it came true. Joseph's dream was a dream born in the heart of God, not only to give him a better future but also to be a blessing  in the lives of his  brothers. 
Do you have a dream that God has given you? Does it seem that no one understands? God's dream in God's hands will accomplish God's plan!  Trust God just as this tiny one trusts her mother's care. God will make your dream come true and use it as a blessing in the lives of others.