Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Transformed in His Presence

Transformed in His presence
     Each Christmas my wife makes special cookies in the shape of ginger bead men or Christmas trees, When the dough is soft she presses the form over it and cuts out the exact images over and over again. But what is good for cookies is not so great for our minds. Paul begs us in the 12th chapter of Romans  to give our bodies to God as living sacrifices, so that we will not be pressed into the world's mold. As a part of real worship we lovingly give to God all that we have and all that we are. He is so worth everything we could offer and more. Then and there in that intimate moment God comes and unlocks the prison places of our minds. The fresh wind of His own Spirit passes through our hearts and we experience the transforming freedom of his presence.
     We need each day and to ask our selves: "Is there something that has pressed me back into the world's mold?" Then stop and make a quiet place in your mind to give yourself  to God, and wait on Him to come. Only then, in that wonderful freedom, when we have been transformed by His presence can we begin to understand what He really wants in our life. How free we become when we choose to be His and His alone!!

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