Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Songs of Deliverance

Psalms 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

As we pray and seek God's face He opens the door into his presence. That is the high and Holy place He promises to share with those who come with humble hearts. In our days of trouble Our Father brings us in and covers us with his wings.

There we find not just the help we need, but also songs of deliverance! As we keep praising Jesus in the middle of our problems He promises that we will be surrounded by songs about being set free. When we start to sing, His voice joins in singing to our hearts. His words will surround us just like a river as it flows around an island. Once we are surrounded by His presence then it is amazing how our thoughts and attitudes will begin to change. Start praising God today for being your hiding place and protector. He has promised you His song: Let your own life become one of His songs of deliverance right now!

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