Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Words of Jesus

God’s identity is His word. When Jesus'  words become ours it changes who we are  The flesh and blood Jesus is not here with me today. He is seated at the right side of the Father. The bread that Jesus multiplied has been eaten, the waves that he stilled have disappeared, the people he healed have died, the robe he wore is no longer with us, even the cross he died on has completely fallen to pieces. The grave Jesus left behind stands as only a silent testimony; but the words that Jesus spoke are still with me. The words of Jesus are not just ink and paper but they are the stairway to heaven, the life of the Father and the promise of eternity!

 A identitdade de Deus e a palavra dele. Quando as palavras de Jesus comeca ser nossa, essa muda quem somos nos. O osso e carne de Jesus nao esta aqui hoje. Ele esta assentada do lado direita do Pai. O pao que Jesus multiplicou foi comido, as ondas ele calmo desapareceu, aqueles quem ele curou ja morreu, o vestido dele nao esta conosco e ate a cruz onde ele morreu tem apodrejado. A sepultura ficou para traz como um testemunho mudo, mas as palavras que Jesus diz ainda esta comigo. As palavras de Jesus nao sao somente tinta e papel, mas eles sao a escada para ceus, a vida do Pai e a promessa de eternidade

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