Thursday, September 8, 2011

Every Nation Worship

Revelation 5:9 b ... and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.

Our church is very small yet we have the unique blessing of worship in more than one language in every service. This has given us both moments of frustration and difficulty as well as moments of amazing grace and the mighty presence of  the Holy Spirit. I always look at these times as a preparation. One day we will be together; every tribe, tongue and nation, falling down and giving Jesus praise! God is continually at work in our hearts in this matter. We have moments when we feel the great joy and presence of the Holy Spirit because one of His greatest works is in tearing down walls and making us one. When the walls come down Jesus shows himself again as the King of Nations in our midst! If you have been a part of a multilingual church, we would love to know how God has led you in this area. Be blessed...

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