Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oil in our lamps...

Matthew 25:1 At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom...

They all wanted to meet the bridegroom. They all had the same lamps , but when the bridegroom came only  half of them could go with Him. In the same way we all come to church and sing  the same songs, but on the inside how many of us have the oil to keep our lamps burning? Have we desired to be with Him more than anything else? Have we gone with His blood to the Father's throne and asked to be filled with all of the spirit of Christ? We have no money that can buy the Spirit. Only Jesus can pay the price; but we must go to our Father and ask for the pearl of greatest price.

What could be of more value in all eternity than the Holy Spirit of God? He is the promise of the Father, our comforter, our light and our friend. Before we prepare to go to another "worship meeting" let's stop and ask if we have really prepared ourselves to meet Him. If Jesus would come suddenly at midnight, would we have our lamps burning and ready to shine a light on the path to Him?

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