Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beyond the veil...Worship without masks

John 4:23  The time is coming and already is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth...

There were many times in Jesus' ministry when he called out religious leaders as hypocrites. That word in the original language described someone who was like an actor. The actors of Jesus' day would use a large mask to cover their face during the play. Not only would the mask make it impossible for people to know who they were, but it also meant they were pretending to be someone they were not! When we go into God's presence in worship with a mask, we are pretending to be someone we know that we are not. This is not the is a lie! How can we worship the God of truth by pretending? Pretense is really a lie.  All the resources of heaven, the blood of Jesus, the light of His Word, the promises of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit become unusable to us when we are living in a make believe world. God is seeking worshipers who worship in truth. To enter in we must not only take off our masks, we must leave them behind forever. In the moment of truth when God's light shines on our true face He will take away our fear and receive us into His arms. What a wonderful Father we worship. What a gift Jesus has given us through the the cross. It is the gift of being accepted as who we really are.

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