Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unity and God's Blessing in Praise

Psalm 133:3  Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced the blessing, even life everlasting.
Unity is not just about singing together in church, but about living together as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. How we live through the week is exactly what we bring into the family celebration of praise on Sunday. God knows and sees everything in us. When God sees stressed out people, and the battling of our egos, how can he pour out his blessing? When our hearts are the occupied territory of the things of this world, how can the Holy Spirit come and fill us? But when the Lord Jesus has been our focus and His Spirit has been our guide, we will draw close not only to Him, but also to each other. When we are really living in harmony, that is when God's presence simply falls silently like the dew. We may be struggling through a dark night but God is waiting to give us His blessing. When we begin to really love one another and wait quietly together for Him, the Dew of His blessing will fall just as morning comes. His dew is His blessing... Life Everlasting with Him. That will be worth it all!

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