Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Simplicity of Worship

"I am afraid", Paul says that someone may come and corrupt your minds, from the simplicity that is in Christ."  2 Corinthians 11:3. 
It seems that we are still fighting that same battle today. We have worship conferences and worship leaders' training. There are worship seminars and a growing commercialism surrounding the entire concept of Christian worship. Can you imagine Jesus offering to hold a worship summit? He was at every moment so overwhelmed with the needs of the people, that the Bible tells us that He and the disciples did not even have a chance to eat.
How was it in the press and under the weight of constant ministry that Jesus and the disciples found any time to worship?
It was because their concept of worship was so blended together with the storms, the daily meeting of needs, the teachings and the constant dangers,that they merely fell down to the ground to worship when God worked. Jesus calmed the storm, and they worshiped. Jesus healed ten lepers and one ran back to worship. Jesus simply showed up for dinner at a Pharisee's house and a woman came in, poured perfume on His feet, wet them with her tears and dried them with her hair. Worship was everywhere that Jesus went. There is only one occasion that we know of that they sang a song, yet they were always worshiping. How unlike us today. We are always singing songs, but only rarely are we worshiping. We have to have the church just so and it must be at just a certain hushed moment, then it quickly slips away. Is this all that God really has planned for us? Why are our hearts so often cold and hard? The world says that hurts and difficulties make us hard. But Jesus said that sin and unbelief give us hard hearts. When we walk in Jesus steps then instead of running away from struggles let us see it as an opportunity to worship Jesus in the middle of it all. Suffering will not make our hearts hard, but will simplify and soften our hearts. Then we will see how much we need to worship Him!

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