Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who do we worship?

The word worship means to bow down, just as Satan demanded that Jesus do. (Matt 4) ."if you bow down and worship, all this will be yours..." Our bowing down is a choice, but it is a choice that is a response to something or someone. If we really are worshiping Jesus then when Jesus comes we will bow down. When Jesus speaks, we will sit at His feet. When Jesus heals we run to fall at His feet and give thanks. When Jesus reveals himself we fall with our faces to the ground until He himself comes and lifts us up.
Who we worship, and not how we worship, is what  determines the direction and destiny of our lives. When we are put in the fire and tested who we worship will be seen. (Daniel 3) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego told the king that no matter what the consequences, they would not worship His golden image. They would not respond like everyone else. They would not obey his command. They reserved worship for only one, and that was for God. The king found out who they worshiped and he became a worshiper too!
For us to worship Jesus as He wants, we also need to reserve ourselves for Him. No one and nothing else in heaven or earth should have our worship. Worship is for Jesus alone. No matter the cost, no matter the loss, no matter the demands, our bowing down in worship is for him alone. When we are only for Him then He will come and walk with us in our fiery furnaces. He will be seen through our worship. When Jesus is really seen, then someone else will have the chance to worship Him too!

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