Tuesday, February 21, 2012

God's Unconditional Love

I have become absolutely convinced that neither death nor life; messenger of Heaven nor monarch of earth; neither what happens today nor what may happen tomorrow, neither a power from on high nor a power from below, nor anything else in God's whole world has any power to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 8:38-39

While passing through some difficult times lately God reminded me of the unconditional nature of His love for me. Some difficult memories of the past had clouded my heart and I had spent half the night awake battling with unseen enemies. God seemed so very far away and yet there in the morning He came and brought these promises to me again. How strange that in the midst of trials and sorrows that the most wonderful hopes of God's word can seem somehow distant and powerless.

Yet God's love remains constant. He never changes His mind or falls into a dark mood. The love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord is always powerful enough to take on any and all of our fears. The love of God in Jesus Christ is eternal enough to outlast both life and death itself. He is unfolding for us new depths of His mighty love like the petals of a flower continue to open and bloom in an ever amazing transformation. God's love alone has the power to pierce those dark nights and to lead us to Him again. He stills the storms again, he raises our dead hopes and dreams. He shows us again the wounds in His hands and feet as proof of His love; then He asks, "Why did you doubt? Don't be doubting any longer. Only believe! "

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