Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jesus and the Woman at the Well

Was Jesus surprised to see the woman with a pitcher coming as he rested by the well on that day? The Bible doesn't tell us directly,but we learn that He stayed alone while His disciples went into town to find food. Jesus met a woman, and her conversation with him that day is remembered after 2000 years. She had come every day to the same well to find water for herself for most of her life. It was a special well, because Jacob had made the well and left it to her ancestors long ago. Yet the water in that well never satisfied the thirst for more than a moment. At Jacob's well she met a man who offered her water that would quench her thirst once and for all. Jesus talked about living water that He would give, if only she asked.

Jesus is still waiting now today, beside a thousand times ten thousand wells. He is waiting for us to come, as we have come so many times before, looking for something to drink that will last only for a moment. There, he offers us His water that will satisfy us forever. He is so interested to know all about our thoughts and struggles, yet when he speaks we find He already knows everything we have ever done! What a Savior is this? He is coming to us, who have wandered, coming back again and again to what can never quench our thirst. He is coming and offerering us water, real eternal living water, that will become a well springing up inside us. Jesus takes His time again today to come and rest by our well and offer us new water that we know nothing about. Once we have had a drink from His well and His water, we will leave knowing we must tell others about someone, who knows everything we have ever done. Isn't this the Christ who was sent into the world? We know that answer once we have the well springing up inside of us! That is His living water that gives us life for ever after!

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