Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Am I Worth Today?

    Where does my value come from? Does it matter much money that I have in the bank? Is derived from my family's status or the color of my skin? Will you value me because of my beauty? My brains? My Strength? If I can do amazing things, will you love me more?

No matter what others believe, my true value comes from the simple fact that I am a creation of God. He has specially designed me.  He has chosen to give me the gift of life. There is nothing I can do to increase my worth to him and there is nothing the anyone can take away that steals my true value.

Life is God's special gift. It is not something to throw away, to be treated cheaply or to be forgotten. Even though everyone else says differently, it it God who has the last word. When we begin to devalue even a single life we begin losing a little of our own. How will you value a life today?

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