Saturday, November 10, 2012

What does rejoicing look like?

Romans 5:2-3 ....and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only this but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces perseverance.

Just what does rejoicing look like? Is it in the quiet moment we look into the eyes of someone we love? Is it the time when we finally pay off the house; get into our new car, or receive some unexpected financial blessing? Is rejoicing at the moment of getting everything we ever wanted, or fame, acceptance or power?

These can be happy times that we are thankful for, but according to God's word rejoicing is something more, something deeper, something eternal. We rejoice in hope because of what God has already done,and we can rejoice in suffering because we know God is still at work! It sure doesn't feel like God's hands involved in our situations when they are filled with unanswered prayers, suffering, and rejection by our dearest friends.God promises us that at those moments of near despair He is more at work than ever. The eternal character of Christ is being formed inside our hearts and on the other side of our trials is a sunrise of astonishing beauty.

Our heavenly surgeon's hands that have cut into our infected wounds are the same hands that will close them back up again now clean and ready for healing. God has not only not abandoned us, He is most at work in our times of difficulty. He is giving us an opportunity to bring to Him a worship that is set free from the things of earth. He is opening the door to His inner chambers where we can come and look into the face of the one who loved us and gave himself for us! In that moment as He gives us just a glimpse of heaven He lavishes on us a rejoicing that He had as He was suffering on the cross for the joy that was set before Him!

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