Friday, July 1, 2011

A Clean Heart

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

I was captured by the innocence of this small child in India.  She did not  understand all that was happening around her or why I was interested. Yet Jesus tells me that she has an angel always looking into the face of the Father in heaven.  Of all that any of us could possess, do or become there is nothing that our Father values more highly than a pure heart. Jesus said that the pure in heart can see God. We can see him in the busied and hurried  moments of any day.  If our heart needs a cleaning then only God can help. We do not need to know all the answers to see Him. We just need to ask. He will be there watching, waiting and treasuring that simple child like innocence of a heart that belongs to Him. 

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