Saturday, July 16, 2011

God’s Anointing in Worship - Psalm 133

For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe.    Psalm 133:2 NLT

The Holy Spirit loves unity! So often we sing and go through the motions of worship but seem to come away with little sense of God's intimacy. It may be enough to keep us alive, but it is not enough to satisfy the deep longing in our spirit for our Father's presence. But When we begin to really worship God together in a true heart-unity; then the oil of God's presence can begin to pour out. The anointing always begins with Jesus. He is the head of His church and the High Priest of Praise. We can only reach some of these most intimate moments with Him when we are most intimately joined in worship as His church. From Jesus the awesomeness of God's love, holiness and power will flow down. He won't allow even the lowest, most humble member of his church to be left out. Tomorrow is another Sunday, another first day of the week. We have another opportunity to come and worship together in a way that will bless the heart of our Father. When He finds us together praising His name, then He will come and sing over us with love!! Be blessed as you enter in!!

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