Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God's Presence...Our Home

Is God's presence the place where we return to like we come back each day to our home? Is it the place where we know we belong, where we know we can knock and the door will open? Is God's presence the place where we can truly be ourselves...no make-up..no dress up...no pretending? David asks God;

 " Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? " 
If we really are God's children then we can call out to Him as our Father and know that because of His unending love he will accept us and allow us to sit by his side. 
Worship in its truest meaning is simply coming into God's almighty presence knowing that we will be accepted through the blood of Jesus. Worship is telling our Father all that is in our hearts. God's love and acceptance never change. Every day they are new!! 

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