Thursday, July 12, 2012

He Could Not Be Hidden

    In the seventh chapter of Mark there is a story about Jesus' only trip outside of Israel. Mark tells us that Jesus did not want anyone to know that Je was in town (perhaps to give them all a day of rest) yet it could not be kept a secret. One woman when she heard of Jesus' presence in her village came running to Him. She did not allow racial or cultural barriers to keep her away. Matthew, when telling the story, says she cried out after Jesus until the disciples pleaded with Jesus to have her sent away. Sometimes it is a good thing when Jesus ignores his disciples' requests!
    What has always struck me most about this woman is her unswerving pursuit of Jesus. Nothing turned her away. She did not give up when Jesus would not answer. She refused to quit whe His first answer seemed like rejection. She remained at His feet until He opened His heart to her. How much we need to be like her today.

    Many times it does seem as though the Lord is far away or hidden on some misty mountaintop. Jesus at times seems asleep in the boat or just missing when our brother dies. Where has He been? What has He been doing all this time? To hearts that are like this woman, there is no pain, or circumstance that can keep Christ hidden. Even if no one else comes or if others beg for us to turn back, we must make our choice to go on.

    Jesus will open the door when we knock, silence our critics and listen to our hearts. When the answer seems to say that there are no blessings left - don't give up. God is never without a blessing!  When our hearts become humble and willing in His presence He will gladly give it. He is never far away at all. We will find Jesus in the hidden place when we look for Him with all our hearts.

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