Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Waiting has rewards!

It will be said on that day, "Behold, this is our God, we have waited for Him that He might save us, This is the Lord we have waited for Him. Let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation. Isaiah 25:9

Worship is the moment when praise lingers, we wait in God's presence and He begins to show Himself to us. At the moment that He draws close it is as if we have been asleep and God unexpectedly shakes us awake. He is is really him! It is just like the disciples on the Emmaus road. Jesus walked and talked with them for all day, but when he suddenly revealed himself they were astonished and they remembered how their hearts burned when he spoke.

                                                                                    Or it is like Peter seeing his nets filling with fish
and suddenly realizing that it is Jesus who filled the nets and he jumped in the water and swam to be with Him. That moment of worship is the disciples hushed and fearful after Jesus calmed the storm. "What kind of man is this, even the wind and the waves obey him?" they said and then they worshiped.

Do you feel worn down by life's constant demands? Don't give up, keep waiting on God: He will come at just the right time.  Are you hungry and thirsty to know Him better? Remember that He has counted every one of the hairs on your head. Jesus has been walking and talking with you all along but your eyes have been closed and you have hurried on, and forgot to wait for Him. When we find our strength is gone and we finally stop to rest then Jesus will come. He has been waiting on us to stop and wait for Him!

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