Monday, July 2, 2012

Lord Teach Us How to Teach Them to Pray!!

     I was thinking today of prayers we gave our kids. If you are a parent and have been anything like us, you may have started with, "Now I lay me down to sleep" type prayers, then "Thank you for this food". Later on, we may have moved on to, "God bless the pastor and all the missionaries" Yet as I searched my memory banks, I could not remember a single time when I just opened the Bible, pointed, and started with "Our Father in heaven..."  I could have prayed and taught all the basics about of life in 63 words (depending on your translation).

     Isn't it amazing how simple Jesus made things and how complicated we think it is.One of the things God said he liked about Abraham was that he knew Abraham would teach his children about His ways.

     God knows that from our hearts we did make every effort to tell our children about God. How I wish I might have the chance to go back and start with Jesus' simple prayer. When the disciples saw Jesus praying they asked Him,  "Lord teach us to pray!" And so He did!

    We teach our children how to tie their shoes. We teach them to look both ways before they cross the street. We even teach our kids that they need to go to church: but have we inspired and taught them how to pray?  Lord teach us how to teach them to pray!!

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