Friday, December 30, 2011

Amazing Perfect Peace

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock...Isaiah 26:3-4

Trusting in God is not only a doctrine or a way of thinking. There is a rest of heart that God alone can give us that no money can buy. There is an amazing peace of God that will cost us both everything and nothing. Nothing, because God gives it freely at the cross of Jesus Christ. Everything, because to follow the Savior will mean leaving behind trusting in our own strength. . Anything less than abandoning all for Jesus is just religion. Religion will only give us the thin veneer of peace. That kind of temporary peace melts away at the very first sign of danger. God's peace enters deep and cradles us during our sleepless nights and in the middle of pressure, confusion, or attacks. God is with us. It is His promise. He is there waiting for us to rest our mind on Him. Nothing else we have will last. Everything else we try to hold on to in life slips away - Jesus remains! He is waiting for us to rest in Him  He is our Everlasting Rock. Jesus is the Rock of Ages!

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