Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

     Christmas is already rushing by and in the quiet moments of this day it is as if we are standing on a mountain top. Behind us lie all the peaks and deep crevasses of the year that has past. They sit in the shadow of the summit of where we are resting, strangely distant and without a sound of all the struggles of the passage. Ahead, beyond the sunrise, are new and mysterious mountain ranges of what might be in the year God is to give us. Jesus told us to take no thought for the worries of tomorrow, because today there are enough troubles for us to battle. Yet there are these precious moments when with His help we can see through Heaven's windows and catch a glimpse of God's plans.

Where we are today and whatever victories and defeats we have come through till now, we must trust  next year's journey to God. He has promised to be with us so that we would never need to be afraid.

  Hebrews 13:6 The Lord is my helper so I will have no fear, what can mere people do to me? 

What lies behind the clouds is known to God. Whatever adventure, difficulty or blessing will come with the certainty that as we have trusted God, He will also always care for us! Merry Christmas to everyone. God bless you....

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