Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Praising God at all times!

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised....Psalm 113:3

Years ago we had a chorus that used this Psalm. Until today, I had never stopped to think much about what this meant when we sang those words. I had always just thought that we simply needed to praise God all day long, every day. Then tonight the Holy Spirit began to open a window in my heart, and suddenly I began to see a picture of my life. You see God has given each of us an amazing chance in life, no matter how long or how short it is meant to be. From our earliest days when we just begin to speak, we can begin to praise the name of the Lord. He can be precious to us or we can choose to neglect him. Jesus continues calling us and calling again, as our sun rises and strengthens to noon-day. Some of us come in the morning, some come in the early afternoon and some not until the shadows begin to lengthen and our sun is starting to set. Yet whatever has happened before, God is still looking for the opportunity today to enter into the rest of our life. He wants to come and give us life for however many moments that are still to be written in our own stories. He is still worthy. His name is still to be praised at where ever we are. God is delighted with early morning praise formed on the lips of children. God is honored by praise that rises from tired and burdened young people who are carrying the weight of life on their shoulders. God is gentle and accepting of quieter praise from the hearts of runners with tired legs, who are nearing the end of the race. God's name is always to be praised. there is no limit to what He counts as  acceptable and pleasing praise. From the rising of the sun, to the place where it sets, the Name of the Lord is to be praised!!

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