Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jesus is our Strong Tower

Worship is that place with God where we go and nothing that we fear can follow.
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous man runs into it and is safe.

Notice this person comes running in a time of Battle. Often when we think of people running to God we are thinking of running to him in delight, like children run to the sound of the ice-cream truck.  But this is not the scene here at all. This man is running because he knows that he will be destroyed unless he can get to God's place of protection. There is nothing shameful at all in running to our Father when we are in despair or fear. Despair,discouragement and fear are nothing we can defeat without God's help. That is exactly when we need Jesus. Jesus is God's strong tower. That is the name above every name. Jesus is the name that means- Jehovah  Saves- 
When we worship we are entering in to that strong name of Jesus. Don't wait for the victory days, the smiley days or the carefree moments to come and worship. Jesus is calling out on the field of battle and saying... "Quick! Run in here! You will be safe! I will cover you and defend you. Stop just running. Run to the place of complete safety"
There as we fall on our face before Him Jesus comes. and closes the door behind us. Outside we can still hear the sounds of battle but they are distant. Now in the presence of Jesus we can not only worship, but we can also begin to hear the sound of God's voice. He has been trying to talk to us. He has been speaking in the still small voice, but we could not hear him. Jesus has been in the strong tower waiting for us to run to Him...

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