Though God is never surprised I do believe that He loves to amaze us. I was amazed by the beautiful sunrise outside our back door not long ago. It was only there for a moment so I rushed out with the camera to try and capture the beauty. Now, if I am amazed by a sunrise just try to imagine the amazement of the shepherds. They were just doing the work as they had done all their live that night outside of Bethlehem. They were watching their sheep and nothing seemed remarkable at all. Then in a moment when they were just ready to drift off to sleep, they were amazed. An angel suddenly appeared telling them some very of a child born that night who would be a Savior. The Bible says the glory of the Lord was shining around their field. Have you ever tried to imagine how it would be to have such a meeting as this. How much they must have needed the angel's first words "Don't be afraid!" What an amazing night! What an amazing life! What an amazing obedience of love at its end on the cross. What an amazing victory Christ has given us at the door of the tomb! Every day God has something that will amaze us right in the middle of the most ordinary things of our lives. He never changes. He still loves to amaze us and we like the shepherds can go on with the ordinary things of life with hearts full of praise to Him...
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